I humbly crave your indulgence to introduce myself to you as a Fellow Ghanaian Medical Laboratory Scientist (a member of GAMLS) with the vision to serve the common interests of both members of the association and the Ghanaian populace, because not only do I say “service to humanity” but I believe also in service to humanity.
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Over the years of schooling and practicing in the laboratory profession, my name has remained MICHAEL AGBESI KELLY, affectionately known as “Kelly West” mostly on social media fora and other places of physical and electronic presence, through several health advocacies including “#VisitTheLab” – an online laboratory health education and notifications to patients and healthcare providers.
I am a young man with an objective personality, given to raising concerns on issues, challenges, difficulties and all other crisis that face humanity. I believe there must be solutions to the many unwelcoming situations humanity finds .
I am enthusiastic with a strong zeal to achieve my purpose on earth, thus , will also continue to grow and build in many active ways to seek the best interest of every intellectual group I find myself. I am ready to avail myself to any individual who seeks to help improve upon my personal development and build my capacity either in the form of mentorship, work, or career progression.
As a student of the profession, I give so much credit to the pioneers, elders, and fresh ones for keeping the profession on the limelight and passionately request that incoming individuals to have the interest of the profession at heart and minds. For where your heart is, there lies the treasures as quoted in the Holy Bible, Mattew chapter 6, verse 21 across most testaments. In the same line as the Holy Quran quoted in Surah – Hud verse 5: “Indeed, they enfold ˹what is in˺ their hearts, ˹trying˺ to hide it from Him! But even when they cover themselves with their clothes, He knows what they conceal and what they reveal. Surely He knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart”. Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran.
So, who is reading this without smiling? Kelly West as “affectionately known” shall continue to, and be willing in a good faith to transform into the best Kelly West. Whoever is ready to know meaning of my other name “Kelly West” should ‘sip water, chill and relax, I am just Kelly West. Hahaha! This is just to confirm you are smiling.
The association of GAMLS has overtime experienced major transformation. To maintain progress, there must be constant and conscious efforts to fulfill the wishes and aspirations of the association. As a member, I look beyond the glory to my service and come forward to embrace the challenges, hence creating an environment for the provision of solutions. Know more on, setting the standard in rehabs
As a Ghanaian who believes in the democracy of our country, on the ideology of coming together with the masses to find peace, unity, love and development of our association; I cannot sit with arms folded, expecting honey to flow before I taste it. I must be willing, without fear and favor to contribute to the ‘hunt for honey’. It really tastes good. Don’t you believe so too?
As part of my active membership to the association, I call on members to rally together and be the positive change we want to witness in the Association. I sincerely believe in the many capabilities of members of the profession to come as a union that seeks to take up challenges and solve them.
Lengthy though this might be, I respectfully want to suggest to the good members of this association (profession), to kindly accept this proposal letter in “non-infectious” faith as I know non infectious organisms are normal human flora. Interesting to know? Me too. Aww, I want to believe you smiled.
Below are some of the resolutions, for which reason I penned down (others will say keyboard) this proposal. I dub this, “an open letter to GAMLS”. Read below and give it the needed attention.
C/O Michael Agbesi Kelly
29th July, 2022.
Dear Scientists,
Humbly do I wish to suggest some actions that will propel the association and hence as an active member in good standing, I have decided (with motivation from friends and loved ones) to iterate the following ideas:
1.The collection of individual member (or in groups, regions) contributions or views towards the development of the Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (GAMLS).
- The collation of views and contributions among members of the association across the country, prepared as a document which shall serve as evidence, this will further be presented to the leadership of the association-GAMLS.
- The provision of feedback of views and contributions from leadership to the members with regards to aims and objectives of the professional association-GAMLS.
In conclusion, I have high hopes that indeed I will get a response to this subject with a feedback from members via my WhatsApp number (which is known), email address (keywordz19@gmail.com), “Kelly West” on Facebook, “@KellyWestGh” on Twitter and even on physical meetings as soon as possible (ASAP).
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Agbesi Kelly.
-A Medical Laboratory Scientist.
-A Member of GAMLS.
-A Member of Ghana Association of Writers (GAW).